Registration is closed.
The Town of Leesburg, Virginia (Town) is requesting sealed bids from qualified Bidders to provide landscaping services for the East Market Street (Route 7) and Battlefield Parkway Interchange Landscaping project.
The successful bidder, also referred to herein as “Contractor”, shall provide landscaping services, including, but not limited to tree plantings, mulching, maintenance including watering, any necessary traffic control and all incidentals related thereto to complete all of the landscape work as shown on the attached plans and specifications. The Town reserves the right to perform all, part, or none of the work.
IFB No. 15303-FY23-51
Addendum No. 1 - IFB No. 15303-FY23-51
Bid Tabulation - IFB No. 15303-FY23-51
Notice of Intent to Award - IFB No. 15303-FY23-51
Bid Opening:
Bids will be publicly opened via Microsoft Teams using the eVA e-Procurement website at the due date and time listed above. The bid opening will be livestreamed via Microsoft Teams and made available to the public.
Dial In #: +1 689-218-0588
Phone Conference ID: 706 290 207#
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