When the entire principal dwelling is used as a Homestay, no additional parking is required. When the basement or detached accessory structure is used as a Homestay, a minimum of one (1) off-street parking space, but not more than two (2), shall be provided on the property. A sketch plan to accompany the Home Occupation Permit submission shall identify the location of all required on-site parking (principal dwelling and homestay). Required parking may be satisfied by residential parking permits for principal dwellings within the H-1 Overlay (Old and Historic District).
The Zoning Administrator may modify the parking requirements outlined in Section if the permanent resident demonstrates that the perking requirements cannot be met because of:
- the exception size and/or shape of the lot; or
- environmental or engineering constraints on the lot; or
- special accessibility needs; or
- other extraordinary situations or conditions of the lot
The Zoning Administrator may attach conditions to any parking modification to ensure that the results of the modification will be in accordance with the purpose and intent of this ordinance section.